Our German diesel generator and Germany engine oil sales customer 2017
In 2017 we approached a company that sold German generator sets that had a good history in Nigeria for engines that lasted 30 to 40 years because they also sold German engine oil that was used to give these engines their long life.
We sold a few Lubricheck units to their diesel engine maintenance department, so their service engineers could test oil quality on site. The units worked so well that they decided to use it in their lubricant department as a tool to see and market how long (hours) their Heavy Duty Diesel engine lasts in a generator engine.
The Lubricheck helped reduce the cost of taking an oil sample regularly and then sending it out for laboratory analysis. With the Lubricheck their mineral based 15W40 diesel engine oil (Brand new oil was a 2 on the Lubricheck) would only be tested when the oil reached a 7 (oil still Good) and then a sample was taken and sent to a lab.
With this cost saving process they found that their engine oil could easily do over 400 hours. This meant that they could help save their customers money on engine oil change interval from 250 hours to 400 hours.
Please find below an oil analysis report on a clients used oil in a generator. The Lubricheck showed a 7 when the sample was sent to the Laboratory.